
how to fix a sagging couch springs

I decided to answer my writing calling after the positive feedback I received. I like to share DIY tips.


Sagging Couch Support

The furniture we have in our homes goes through a lot of wear and tear. When you come home after a hard day's work, you want a comfortable place to sit down and spend time with your loved ones. But what do you do when your couches no longer provide support because the cushions are sagging? The answer is simple. Instead of purchasing new furniture (which can be quite expensive), all you need to purchase is plywood or particleboard to fix this problem.

What You'll Need

  • Measuring Tape
  • 1/2" Sheet Plywood or Particle Board: Particle board is generally cheaper than plywood.
  • Circular Saw
  • Duct Tape
Locate back side of couch frame underneath the top back cushions.

Locate back side of couch frame underneath the top back cushions.

Measure width from back of frame to the front of the couch frame.  Also measure the length of the frame.

Locate back side of couch frame underneath the top back cushions.

Step 1: Take Measurements

The first step is to take measurements for the plywood.

  1. Remove the cushions from your couch.
  2. Then, find the backside of the couch frame.
  3. From there, measure from the back to the front of the frame and write this measurement down.
  4. Measure the length of the area under the cushions.

Remember to make sure you measure in between any framing on the backside of the couch. This is because you will need to slide the plywood underneath the back cushions to rest on top of the frame.

1/2 inch particle board.

1/2 inch particle board.

Step 2: Make the Cut

Once your measurements have been taken, it's time to cut the plywood.

If you have more than one piece of furniture being fixed, you'll want to have all measurements recorded so that you can make sure you're cutting the plywood accurately. You don't want to end up buying more plywood than needed just because you have cut it differently. You will generally have enough plywood to fix a stand couch and love seat and still have some leftover.

Installing the plywood on top the couch frame.

Installing the plywood on top the couch frame.

Step 3: Install the Plywood

Once the plywood has been cut to fit on top of the couch frame, it is time to install it.

  1. Make sure you slide it back far enough to rest on the backside of the frame. Also, be sure the plywood doesn't come out too far past the front of the couch frame. You may have to make some cutting adjustments until you end up with the proper fit.
  2. When you have the plywood cut to the correct size, and it fits correctly, you may wish to apply a layer of duct tape on the area that rests on the front of the frame to prevent scratching your legs when you sit down. You may also wish to cover the plywood with an old sheet, so it doesn't snag the material on your couch and cushions.

We use two-piece slipcovers on our furniture, and it covers the plywood, preventing any snags on the couch material.

The Final Results

When you have completed the steps above, all that is left to do is replace your cushions back on the couch and enjoy! You will no longer feel as though you are sinking into nowhere land. It'll feel like it did when you first sat on your furniture!

Relax comfortably, especially knowing that you didn't drain your wallet to make this quick repair to your furniture. Enjoy many more years on your couch with your family!

© 2012 Jill Kostowskie

Lirva on August 02, 2019:

I would like to know, how do I restore a sagging couch, when the cushions are attached to base of the couch?

abdiyohan on June 22, 2015:

I have a hypothesis for the comment above from 'Any', if you fix the sagging with plywood and it becomes too firm and uncomfortable, then perhaps filling the cushions with new medium or high density foam will help bring back some of that comfort. It's pretty cheap on amazon, certainly cheaper than a new couch. I'm actually about to try out this hypothesis myself!

Any on February 24, 2014:

We did this and it is SO firm. Not very comfortable at all

julie on February 25, 2013:

thank you so much

CassyLu1981 from Spring Lake, NC on August 17, 2012:

Excellent ideas on how to fix those crazy cushions!!! We have gotten rid of a couch because of this before. If only I knew it was fixable :) Now I know! Voted up and useful!!!!

Om Paramapoonya on August 06, 2012:

I like this practical and budget-friendly way to fix an old couch. Sounds like it should do the trick! Thanks a lot for your step-by-step instructions and tips.

how to fix a sagging couch springs


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